
Online Programs

The goal of the Online Program is to help the athlete excel at their sport from wherever they are in the world. All programs are customized to the athletes individual needs based on imbalances, performance needs, and sport needs. Get access to exercise database, e-mail support, and unlimited video analysis of movements.

Youth Performance

The goal of Youth Performance training is fundamentals. By teaching basic movement patterns of jumping, sprinting, agility, and lifting, we allow the athlete to excel at their sport while getting them in better overall shape.

Highschool Performance

The goal of Highschool Performance is to improve and build off of fundamental movement patterns, increasing strength, power, speed, agility and decreasing the risk of injury. Techniques and tools such as Max Effort training, Speed Technique drills, and Jump progressions based on the athletes skill level, allow the athlete to reach their potential and excel at their sport. In addition, we create custom programs based on the individual needs of the athlete. This comes from imbalances, performance needs, and sport needs.

Elite/Pro Athletes

The goal of the Elite Performance is to allow the athlete to excel at their sport by increasing strength, power, speed, agility and decreasing the risk of injury. In addition to custom programs based on the individual needs of the athlete, the Elite Program offers Advanced Strength progressions, Max and Dynamic Effort training, Advanced Speed drills, and Advanced Plyometric progressions based on the athletes skill level. The individual needs of each athlete are assessed and based off of injury history, imbalances, performance needs, and sport needs.

Meet Milan

Milan is the owner of Unrivaled Athletics. As a dedicated and detail-oriented coach who specializes in sports performance, he uses scientific principles to bring out the best in any athlete’s performance needs.

From a young age he, played hockey, football and rugby and he understood the importance of training and its impact on the sport he loved most, football. Learning all that he could to increase his strength, speed and impact on the field, he went on to play at the University level for York University. During his time at York, he was fortunate enough to intern under three different coaches, learning different styles and philosophies on athlete training, progression and improvement.

He later went on to receive his NSCA-CSCS certification and mentor with some of the best coaches in the industry while accumulating a diverse athlete and client base. He has also received his Masters of Science in Performance Coaching from Setanta College.

Milan has worked with a variety of sports from youth development to University-level and Professional athletes in various sports. This includes Hockey, Soccer, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Tennis, Figure Skating, and Track and Field.

 His goal is to help as many athletes as he can using smart programs that get the most out of the athlete while also getting to know the athlete on an individual level.





I started training with Milan prior to last season. I always had trouble finding the balance between getting strong, fast, and increasing my conditioning while also tending to previous injuries and my weaker area. He helped me to train hard but also train smart. Ultimately I entered training camp feeling strong and fast. In-season training is also something that can challenging. He helped me take a strategic approach to training to ensure I am maintaining strength and speed, but also ensures I am recovered for game day. Aside from the great workouts and planning, he is also very friendly and encouraging throughout the whole process. Milan Helped me take my training to the next level and continues to do so today.
Matt Spanger
Buffalo Bandits-NLL
I would like to thank unrivaled athletics for all the help and training through these past couple of years. The journey has been great and I can’t wait to continue my training with unrivaled athletics and especially with trainer Milan Klipina. I joined this family in 2017 having a goal to be a student athlete once again and with that the hard work and dedication began. When you become an athlete of Milan Klipina you also become his family, he focuses on the task at hand and that is getting you to your goal which is becoming the best athlete possible. With his training I have doubled in size, my strength and quickness have improved rapidly to a point that I didn’t believe was possible. When it comes to training with the best they don’t just push you physically they push you mentally as well and you realize how that type of training shows during the game. If you truly care for your career and want to be the best then you better train with the best. Thank you unrivaled athletics and I can’t wait for the journey to continue!
Aleksandar Djogovic
University of Toronto - Varisty Blues Football
I met Milan during the offseason of 2017 when he was an intern at AK fitness. I had the opportunity to train with him for a session and the rest is history. I have been training with Milan for the last three offseasons and they have been the most enjoyable and beneficial off seasons I have ever had in the gym. Through the past three years Milan has taught me that being an athlete is by far the most important thing to succeed in a sport rather than just working on pure strength. Milan has helped me shred from 210 to 175 in 2 offseasons while putting up PR’s in all of our lifts. The combination of athletic and strength training we have done in the offseason has given me the ability to feel like one of the strongest guys on the ice every night even though I am not one of the biggest guys. Milan has prepared me to make the jump from midget AAA to Junior hockey, and he will do the same for me going from junior to College hockey. The thing that makes Milan a great trainer is the energy he brings to each and every session, even though we are going through a routine he brings something new to the table each and every session. I am fortunate to have met Milan back when he started out because it has given me the ability to develop a friendship that will last a lifetime, and for him this is only the beginning.
Liam Anderson
Pickering Panthers
This summer I was able to train one on one with a trainer for the first time. Through the 5 weeks of training I was able to rehab some past injuries, increase flexibility, gain strength, speed and explosiveness. The training was very beneficial and I enjoyed doing new workouts as well as the coaching that helped me receive such quick results. I mostly enjoyed the enthusiasm Milan put into the training. If I ever struggled picking up a technique he wouldn’t hesitate to perform the task for me to see or even do it with me. As for results, I was able to drop my 10 yard dash from a 1.58 to a 1.45, my vertical increased by 3 inches and hit PRs in squat, bench and deadlift. Overall it was a great experience and I’m looking forward to working with Unrivaled Athletics in the near future.
Ricardo Chisholm
McMaster University - Marauders Football
This is my second off-season working with Milan and I have nothing but positive things to say. He brings enthusiastic energy to every single session, yet he creates a training environment which is professional, and challenging. Over the past two years that I have been working with Milan, my overall results in every aspect of my fitness has improved, particularly this offseason. My biggest weakness has always been jumping, I had accepted the fact that I can’t jump, and that I won’t ever be able to. I had never been able to increase my vertical, that is until I started working with Milan at Unrivaled Athletics. This offseason, my vertical had gone from 12 inches on testing day to 16 inches in just under 2 months. This improvement would not have been possible without his hard work and dedication to designing my program suited for me. Milan has not only helped me keep my body fit for soccer, but he has helped me realize that I’m stronger then I think, and he has taught me to believe in myself. Overall, he has helped me become a better person. I look forward to getting even faster, stronger and fitter in the years to come working with him.
Alexis Argyropolous
Markham Soccer Club OPDL
Through the 8 weeks of training with Milan I was able to elevate my game to the next level as I was preparing for my first OUA football training camp. In the 8 week she completely fixed my running form which helped me to become faster. I was able to drop my 40 time from 5.23 to 4.92, and also got considerably quicker in my lateral movement which is vital for a linebacker. I was able to regain some of the upper body strength I lost after my injury while also becoming more explosive through my upper and lower body. There is no one else I trust more with my off-season training then Milan and I plan to continue working with Milan throughout my university football career.
Vincent Ricci
York University - Lions Football

Train Unrivaled


388 Carlaw Ave w3, Toronto, ON M4M2T4




